Monday, January 30, 2012

The auto-wallah

The other day (the day before yesterday, actually) I was riding back home from Manchinbele dam. I had just entered the city limits and was as usual cursing every retarded motorist when this auto-wallah pulled up beside me and asked me where I was coming from. I answered him in my broken Kannada and he asked me if it was just a training ride or a race (pretty sure he's been seeing lots of fancy attired cyclists of late). I told him it was just a pleasure ride and he smiled and said  "keep it up" or something and drove off. Today, while I was on my way to Wheelsports, the same (YES. SAME.) auto-wallah spotted me, pulled up beside me, said hello and asked me if I was returning from Manchinbele :P. After asking me a few more questions, he wished me good luck and drove off. Pretty cool to experience something that's statistically so unlikely.

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