Monday, January 30, 2012

The auto-wallah

The other day (the day before yesterday, actually) I was riding back home from Manchinbele dam. I had just entered the city limits and was as usual cursing every retarded motorist when this auto-wallah pulled up beside me and asked me where I was coming from. I answered him in my broken Kannada and he asked me if it was just a training ride or a race (pretty sure he's been seeing lots of fancy attired cyclists of late). I told him it was just a pleasure ride and he smiled and said  "keep it up" or something and drove off. Today, while I was on my way to Wheelsports, the same (YES. SAME.) auto-wallah spotted me, pulled up beside me, said hello and asked me if I was returning from Manchinbele :P. After asking me a few more questions, he wished me good luck and drove off. Pretty cool to experience something that's statistically so unlikely.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Obsession Hop

It's strange. I seem to be obsessed with one thing at a time (and one girl at a time but that story later :P). Well, sometimes two or three (no, not girls. Only things). When I'm obsessed, all my life revolves around that one (or two or three) thing(s) and all the other things become second priority. I end up spending all my time reading/thinking about, making plans, researching and purchasing things to feed the obsession. I like doing all that. But for some strange reason, not many of these obsessions have remained obsessions for too long. I really hope the current ones will, though.