Friday, March 26, 2010

A few music concerts around the corner

A month long Carnatic music festival -

April 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th - Victor Wooten + Guitar Prasanna and co.. should be amazing. -

Going to attend about 5-8 Carnatic concerts and the Wooten-Prasanna concert.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The lost little beauties (almost)

I find it very sad that in this mad urban world, there's almost no chance to enjoy the beautiful little things nature has (had?) given us. Mostly because there's nothing natural around anymore! Greenery? Hardly. The sweet sounds of birds chirping away? Not within a 100 KM radius of any city. How many of us bother to notice how beautiful sunrises and sunsets are? And how romantic and pleasant moonlight is? And surely there are a million other things we've forgotten to appreciate.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My latest little desires

Decided a couple of days or so ago that I would:
  1. get back to topcoder. Improve my coding and algorithmic skills
  2. get good at Java. It's a programming language that I've loved for quite some time. Yet, I am terrible at it. Time to improve. My first real attempt at it. Hope it works out.
  3. get good at eclipse plug-in development. Eclipse is another thing I've loved ever since I started using it. Getting good at plug-in development will help point 2.
They aren't exactly little desires. Not one of them. Let's see how little I succeed.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Damn two hour meetings

I sincerely prefer working out at the gym to attending two hour meetings.